Wednesday 5 February 2025
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The developed systems can introduce radiofrequency waves to recognize things that are initially invisible. 

Modern robots have almost all human senses, including vision. Scientist Mr. Adib told that scientists began to introduce perceptions that are closed to humans into automated machines. Now, the professor creates super-perceptions for machines. Different researchers began to implement special technology so that modern robots could see objects even through obstacles.

These robots are called RF-Grasp. They combine maximum sensitivity and familiar computer vision, designed to search for objects and take them. In any other conditions, this would not have been possible. It is observed that technical development will soon significantly facilitate processes in the barns of companies, and will also make the machines take exactly the screwdriver, for example, from a random list of equipment.

A detailed exam of the implementation of technologies will take place in May 2021. It will be moderated by Signal Kinetics Researcher Tara Borushaki, Adib, Junshan Leng, and Jan Klester.

Even though the trade in electronic goods is not slowing down its growth, people mostly work in warehouses, to a greater extent than an automated name. Although this brings a lot of inconveniences, and sometimes injury. Most of the known robots cannot interact with people and can easily work in their presence. It is difficult for them to take objects so as not to hurt a person standing next to them. If machines will focus only on their optical vision, it will be almost impossible for them to recognize the things that are behind something, they will also not be able to look at what is inside the closed box. They cannot see what happened behind the wall. It is quite possible to solve this thanks to waves.

Earlier RF systems used to track all systems. It consists of 2 details, namely a tag and a reader. The tag looks like a miniature PS chip in the object or embedded inside and tracks its actions. It does this by examining the RF signal generated by the tag. It is capable of being reflected by the reader.

This signal gives access to info related to the location of the object. This system has gained popularity in retail supply chains. Japan has been aiming to use RF tracking for almost all retail purchases. The scientists think that such an abundance of radio frequencies can be a boon for techniques by giving them a different way of perceiving.

RF is a completely different sensation model than vision, so it is worthwhile to study all its possibilities in detail.

By incorporating an RF reader and camera into an advanced design, it has become an ideal companion for tracking and retrieving needed items even though they cannot be seen thanks to the sensors. This entire system is embedded in the hand of the machine, which is responsible for grasping and holding the object, and the tracking system itself is placed on his wrist. The new reader works freely without communication with the robot itself and transfers all the data immediately to the control algorithm. Thus, the automated technique continuously accumulates and reads RF tracking information as well as visual objects around it. It was the integration of these technologies that was the most difficult process during the development period.

Now automated technologies must decide which products are most important. It is much more difficult than just driving and navigating.

The robot plays the RF tag, finds it, and starts the search and retrieval process. With RF, you need to focus on the eyes and see all the possibilities. This sequence is similar to listening to the rear siren and then rotating it to make the siren source clearer. With two other offerings, RF Grasp makes attention on purpose. When you begin to approach and manipulate objects, your vision is capable of giving more information than HF.

RF Grasp has managed to prove itself positively during many checks and studies. If we compare it with a similar model of a single-chamber robot, then the high-frequency communication in an improved model can capture the target in exactly half of the total movement. Besides, the system has proven to be unique in its possibility to cleanse the room by removing sidewalks on the way to the destination. It can sometimes fill an online store. With RF scanning, the things can be immediately recognized without damaging them, the barcode can be removed and scanned. Adiv is also considering using a robot at home, for example, to find a suitable hex wrench to assemble your IKEA chair.


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