Wednesday 12 March 2025
EN    SK    RU

The mobile operator wants to combine robotics and telecommunications.

SK Telecom, South Korea's leading telephony operator, is committed to creating new isolation technologies using the company's innovative telecommunications networks. 

SKT prepared and approved all the necessary documents of understanding with a Korean robotics manufacturer to create automated equipment for a quick response to force majeure situations. Also, manufacturers will provide continuous support for the next generation of 5G technologies in telecommunications as a new driver of development.

Both companies agreed that they have developed advanced media transmission technologies to control complex AI and telecommunications networks to detect and respond to remote control systems, as well as employee emotions, movements and behavior. 

The manager of SK Telecommunications said SKT offers opportunities to work with both medium and small businesses and technology creators. In addition, he is ready to introduce various opportunities and innovations for business in everyday life through 5G networks. 

According to him, the phone operator will manage the delivery of the next service using robots equipped with a 5G system. 

At this year's Seoul Information Technology Show, SKT 5G unveiled the concept of remotely controlled robots using network technology.

The humanoid robot shown in the program has installed a communication sensor that can be controlled by the user's skeleton. 

The updated version of the SKT robot with video and audio technologies is expected to be 5G-enabled. 


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