Saturday 25 January 2025
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If we talk about the future shape of Manufacturing in the digital age, it has already begun in the form of the fourth industrial revolution. The fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, will start the next step in automation, namely production "without light" in the next digital age. Following the steam power of the Industrial Revolution, electrification in the 1800s, and the digital revolution of the late 20th century, Industry 4.0 will open this path in the future. However, there is a possibility that it has already begun.

Foundations of Industry 4.0

Every industrial revolution follows the previous one, expanding knowledge and progress. Similarly, Industry 4.0 has established some rules or principles by which it will operate.

Interconnectivity: All the tools and people involved in the production process interact.

Technological support: New technologies help people solve problems, make decisions, deal with issues and ensure safety.

Accurate information: Collecting data from every part of the production process enables more informed decision-making.

Decentralized Decisions: Cyber-physical systems that can make decisions independently and operate autonomously.

What's more, applying these principles makes the Industry 4.0 revolution extraordinary. Although all these technologies and robotics have existed in the past, they could not be combined in this way to improve production. On the other hand, Industry 4.0, with its core mechanisms, is expected to nearly triple by 2028, reaching $337.1 billion.

These technologies are already being used in intelligent factories worldwide, and the latest technology that will herald the next evolution is Lights-Out Manufacturing.

What is lights-out manufacturing?

Lights-Out Manufacturing does not require direct human interaction like traditional and even "smart" factories. In contrast, lights-out factories are fully automated and operate around the clock. In addition, there is no human presence in the workplace. And in today's world, this is no longer just a dream.

We have a live example from Japanese robotics developer FANUC. The company has been making robots for more than 20 years in a lightless factory, where, interestingly, the robots are built themselves. Another example of building robots without lights is Philips, an electronics company. Philip uses 128 robots to produce electric shavers.

ASA Global uses a production line with lights off to produce semiconductors. This company alone plans to run 18 fully automated plants by 2024.

Industry will switch to production without lights

Industries adopting Industry 4.0 technologies will be able to use the light-free display without restrictions. However, there are significant challenges that must first be overcome. Thanks to the installation of robots, the electronics, automotive, metallurgy, and mechanical engineering sectors have demonstrated the implementation of Industrie 4.0 in 2021.

The introduction of blackout features is expected to lead to growth

According to a global study, 79% of Manufacturing will be controlled by humans by 2025. Manufacturing will be supported to some degree by digital technology. While 17% will be entirely held in production with a complete blackout.

Finally, many industries will benefit from IoT, 5G, and machines in one way or another. Either your Industry has already begun Industry 4.0, or you will encounter it in the coming days.


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